Daily Doses Of Inspiration
Our Daily Inspirations
There is so much in life to learn from. Our daily interactions as we travel this path, engaging in the journey can teach us and help steady our feet. What I will share with you here are lessons in growth, studies in life development and inspirations that reach into the depths of our souls and signal our hearts to beat on stronger and with purpose. May you enjoy and be inspired by what life shares.
Hidden Hero
My son Steven was my hero. He was born on May 25th, 1978 and left this earthy plane on December 1st, 2018. He was 40 years old and in the prime of his life. I would say Steven was an ordinary guy, but he wasn’t. He was extraordinary. Steven had a heart of gold. Kindness and compassion were his guides. He...
Not because we have set out to make that happen, but simply because they have shown up for us and have touched us in some way that we can never go back to our old ways of thinking or being.
This series below is from a six month period of time that I spent in the city of Victoria while taking precious time out to heal my heart after losing my son to an accidental fentanyl poisoning.
My son Steven was my hero. He was born on May 25th, 1978 and left this earthy plane on December 1st, 2018. He was 40 years old and in the prime of his life. I would say Steven was an ordinary guy, but he wasn’t. He was extraordinary. Steven had a heart of gold. Kindness and compassion were his guides. He...
Shortly after I moved to Victoria, I met a sweet young gal and her male friend one afternoon out by the dumpster. They had two shopping carts that carried all of their personal belongings. I asked what they most hoped to find when sorting through the dumpster. The man said most anything, that he had more...
Shortly after we left on our walk this evening Lola and I met a lovely young man named Cheyenne. We chatted about life on the streets and how tough it can be. I stopped to ask how he was doing as it was obvious that he didn't feel well. He had a cold and was struggling to keep warm. He had stashed away some...
Lola and I met Alek on our walk last night. I would guess that he might be mid to late forties. Had the most beautiful soft green and welcoming eyes. He was just sitting there with his hat out hoping for a few coins to help him get by. The hat always attracts Lola’s attention. As we approached I asked if...
Lola and I were out for our evening walk … I cherish these walks as I know her time here on this planet will soon be drawing to a close. Lola still has so much love to give. She doesn’t concern herself with running out of time, she just keeps doing what she does best - giving and receiving unconditional...
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. This old saying takes on even more meaning when living in the city. There are dumpsters here. We get to walk out of our apartments and simply toss our garbage - what we don’t want or no longer find useful - into a bin for someone else to take away. I was tidying...
For many of us darkness is a time where we can settle into the comfort of our beds and drift off to another world. Some nights are more challenging, we fight with our pillows or wake up before we feel well rested. Sometimes we turn on the lights, make a cup of tea and eventually return to our nest to get...
I really enjoy my evening walks with Lola. Life from her perspective - standing at less than a foot above the ground - is quite different. She notices feet and things that happen to be sitting at her eye level. This also means that she makes connection with people who are sitting on the ground. She meets...

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Lynn Demers at Golden Buddha Havening and Hypnotherapy is a certified trainer and practitioner of Havening Techniques®. Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York